Thursday, May 27, 2010

March 1931

Sunday March 1, 1931

a little colder.  Win & Ted & Stan came down to dinner.  went down to the river after dinner.  Church and over to Wins.

Weather:  High 37.0F (2.8C)  Low 17.1F (-8.3C)

Wednesday March 4, 1931

A real March wind  snow drifting in the air  looks like a real storm and blizzard.

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 19.9F (-6.7C)  Snow 0.3 inches (0.8cm)

Monday March 9, 1931

Colder inclined to snow.  Mrs. Mitchell spoke to the WMS in Church. 

After the meeting we all went over to Winnies for tea  about 23

Weather:  High 23.0F (-5.0C)  Low 3.0F (-16.1C)  Snow  1.0 inch (2.5cm)

Wednesday March 18, 1931

Missionary meeting at Winnies.  A lovely day.

Weather:  High 30.0F (-1.1C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Friday March 20, 1931

Jack took the car to Great Dear. Masonic banquet.  Lilly went with Ted.  Mable with H. Wensley.  I stayed with Stanley (Then where was Winnie?  Maybe it was her instead of Lilly that went with Ted)

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Saturday March 21, 1931

lovely day.  Sawed the wood today.

Weather:  High 30.0F (-1.1C)  Low 24.1`1F (-4.4C)

Sunday March 22, 1931

Ted took us down to the river.  The river did not look very safe.

Weather:  High 48.9F (9.4C)  Low 28.0F (-2.2C)

Friday March 27, 1931

Very cold.  Jack took car to Gt- Deer.  Roads very rough.  Taking the
play to Radisson.  Insured the new house against fire.

:  High 12.9F (-10.6C)  Low -8.0F (-22.2C)

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