Sunday, May 30, 2010

July 1931

Wednesday, July 1, 1931

Win & Ted & B Clarkes went to Meeting Lake.  weather not good at all

Weather:  High 69.1F (20.6C)  Low 50.0F (10.0C)  Rain 0.1 inch (1.5 mm)

Friday, July 3, 1931

Started to Maymont with Mr Card  car broke down the other side of Radisson.  got home around 12 o'clock

Tuesday July 7, 1931

Win & Ted returned from the Lake  wet all the time and very bad roads

Weather:  High 68.0F (20.0C)  Low 48.9F (9.4C)  Rain 0.03 inch (0.8 mm)

Saturday, July 11, 1931

Orange celebration.  stormy most of the day  real busy at the Hall  B Newsham had a car accident

Weather:  High 84.0F (28.9C)  Low 54.0F (12.2C)  Rain 0.3 inch (7.1 mm)

Tuesday, July 14, 1931

First washing with electric washer.  Just fine  did a real big wash

Thursday, July 16, 1931

Girls went to city with H Foster  came back on the 17th  Had a nice time

Tuesday, July 21, 1931

Ron went to Meeting Lake with the Scouts

Saturday, July 25, 1931

Bert came down

Sunday, July 26, 1931

Bert & Daisy went back to Maidstone

Wednesday, July 29, 1931

Daisy came back from Maidstone

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