Friday, May 21, 2010

January 16 - 25, 1931

Friday, January 16, 1931

Jack took car on Mail had to dig out twice

Weather: High 33.1F (0.6C) Low 12.0F (-11.1C)

Saturday, January 17 (2 entries), 1931

(1) Lovely day again. The 4 men went south pulley wire

(2) Sent to Simpsons for Dads underwear

Weather: High 26.1F (-3.3C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Tuesday, January 20, 1931

Jack took car to Great Deer with Mail

Weather: High 23.0F (-5.0C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Wednesday, January 21, 1931

Jack went to Saskatoon to see Dr. Bolzan. I went WMS meeting at Miss Smith. Stayed at Winnie for tea. Lill & Ron came for me.

Weather: High 24.1F (-4.4C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Thursday, January 22, 1931

Jack did not come home last night. I did quite a wash today. "real
cold wind". All the rest went to the debate. I went over and stayed
with Stanley. ???? was such a darling

Weather: High 16.0F (-8.9C) Low 5.0F (-150C)

Friday, January 23, 1931

still quite cold Dad & boys hauled the oat sheaves.

Weather: High 12.0F (-11.1C) Low 3.9F (-15.6C)Snow trace

Sunday, January 25, 1931

Win & Ted & Stan came down to dinner & tea. Elmer came to tea. Went to Church then over to Wins. Mr. Card there. Nice weather.

Weather: High 23.0F (-3.0C) Low 3.9F (-16.1C)

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