Monday, May 24, 2010

February 1931

Monday February 2nd, 1931

Still a lovely day.  Had a long letter from Nell.

Weather:  High 43.0F (6.1C)  Low 21.0F (-6.1C)

Tuesday, February 3rd, 1931

Jack took the car on the mail trip.  Mrs. Wake and Margaret came down.  Had a nice visit.  Grand day.  Calsomined Lilys bedroom

Weather:  High 37.9F (3.3C)  Low 18.0F (-7.8C)

Wednesday, February 4th, 1931

Calsomined my bedroom.  Nice day.  Went to H, Tracksells to L.O.B.A. social.  about 40 guests presnet.  Jack took the car

Weather:  High 44.1F (6.7C)  Low 16.0F (-8.9C)

Thursday, February 5th, 1931

Nice day.  Calsomined the boys bedroom.  Went to the ????? (maybe Scouts) meeting in the evening.  Enjoyed every minute of it.  Mr Lovley disappointed not more there

Weather:  High 36.0F (2.2C)  Low 14.0F (-10.0C)

Saturday, February 7, 1931

Beautiful day. Dad and I went to the bank (I think) and cleaned the windows and the ink wells.  Political meeting in town this afternoon (MacIn????)

Weather:  High 28.0F (-2.2C)  Low 21.0F (-6.1C)

Monday, February 9, 1931

did a big wash  went over to Winnies for a while  lovely day  Dads orange meeting tonight

Weather:  High 10.9F (-11.7C)  Low 1.0F (-17.2C)

Thursday, February 12, 1931

Went to the Ladies Aid at Mrs.H. Tracksells (I am amazed at the amount of meeting etc. they attended; they certianly were busy people) Mr Card came to supper.  I went over to Wins after supper

Weather:  High 30.9F (-0.6C)  Low 8.1F (-13.3C)

Saturday, February 14, 1931

Lovely day.  Went to Mother & Daughter banquet.  Had a very nice time.  Had several visitors in the afternoon.  Dr. Whitemarsh knocked a man down and killed him (this begs a lot of questions .... eg. did this happen in Borden?  who did the Dr. run down?)

Weather:  High 46.9F (8.3C)  Low 14.0F (-10.0C)

Sunday, February 15, 1931

Went for a car ride with Jack then called to see Stanley who is still sick.  Went to church then over to Winnies for a while.

Weather:  High 48.9F (9.4C)  Low 16.0F (-8.9C)

Monday, February 16, 1931

Real nice day.  Had Lodge and afterwards a social time till one o'clock.  several members sick and two or three did not turn up as they should.  We all had a real nice time.

Weather:  High 34.0F (1.1C)  Low 15.1F (-9.4C)

Wednesday, February 18, 1931

Stanley on the mend.  still grand weather

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Friday, February 20, 1931

We had our day of prayer meeting today in the Anglican church.  Just a lovely service.  A lovely day.  Jack took the car with the mail.

Weather:  High 39.0F (3.9C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Saturday, February 21, 1931

Weather still nice.  Wrote to Daisy.

Weather:  High 50.0F (10.0C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Sunday, February 22, 1931

Mabel came down for the day.  Elmer came to supper.  Just a glorious day,  so warm Mr. & Mrs.Newbold, Dad & I Mr Tallis & Ruth sat outside for over an hour.  Went to church and over to Winnies afterwards

Weather:  High 50.0F (10.0C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Friday, February 27, 1931

Jack went to Gt Deer still with the car  a little colder today.  We all went to the Anglican Play.  It as not sogood as they usually are.  The Eyes of love.

Weather:  High 39.9F (4.4C)  Low 18.0F (-7.8C)

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