Saturday, June 5, 2010

August 1 - Dec. 31, 1931

(Fewer entries during this time)

Saturday, August 15, 1931

Tenders for school.  H. Van succeeded

Sunday, September 13, 1931

Lill went to Saskatoon with Tommy

Monday, September 21, 1931

Lill came back from Saskatoon.  Had permant (not 100% sure about this but my best guess)

Sunday, September 27, 1931

Had a box of Apples & Pears from Nell & Rob for a birthday present.

Sunday, October 4, 1931

My birthday (54) Foster family down.  Went for a drive

Monday, November 16, 1931

Winnie went up to Radisson.  Stanley came down to our place.  Had a play practice here.

Monday, November 30, 1931

Margaret was born

November 31, 1931 (maybe Tuesday, December 1st?)

Ted and Win went to Radisson in the evening.

Friday December 25, 1931

Win & Ted Stanley
and Margaret & Tommy came down for Xmas

Thursday, December 31, 1931

Historical event:  Statute of Westminister creates the British Commonwealth of Nations

Sunday, May 30, 2010

July 1931

Wednesday, July 1, 1931

Win & Ted & B Clarkes went to Meeting Lake.  weather not good at all

Weather:  High 69.1F (20.6C)  Low 50.0F (10.0C)  Rain 0.1 inch (1.5 mm)

Friday, July 3, 1931

Started to Maymont with Mr Card  car broke down the other side of Radisson.  got home around 12 o'clock

Tuesday July 7, 1931

Win & Ted returned from the Lake  wet all the time and very bad roads

Weather:  High 68.0F (20.0C)  Low 48.9F (9.4C)  Rain 0.03 inch (0.8 mm)

Saturday, July 11, 1931

Orange celebration.  stormy most of the day  real busy at the Hall  B Newsham had a car accident

Weather:  High 84.0F (28.9C)  Low 54.0F (12.2C)  Rain 0.3 inch (7.1 mm)

Tuesday, July 14, 1931

First washing with electric washer.  Just fine  did a real big wash

Thursday, July 16, 1931

Girls went to city with H Foster  came back on the 17th  Had a nice time

Tuesday, July 21, 1931

Ron went to Meeting Lake with the Scouts

Saturday, July 25, 1931

Bert came down

Sunday, July 26, 1931

Bert & Daisy went back to Maidstone

Wednesday, July 29, 1931

Daisy came back from Maidstone

June 1931

Sunday, June 7, 1931

Boy Scouts Jamboree in Borden  real nice day.  very interesting programe

Monday, June 15, 1931

Lillie went to Saskatoon with the Hoffman girls. Came home sick with sore throat.

Tuesday, June 16 and Wednesday June 17, 1931

Lillie still under the weather.

Thursday, June 18, 1931

I took sore throat.  about 4 hours nice rain.  Lillie feeling better.

Weather:  High 87.1F (30.6C)  Low 55.0F (12.8C)

Sunday, June 21, 1931

Cold and stormy looking.  Win & Ted did not come down.  feeling much better today

Weather:  High 68.0F (20.0C)  Low 42.1F (5.6C)  Rain  0.02 inch (0.5


Tuesday, June 30, 1931

Win & Ted & B Clark all ready for the lake but a very heavy rain all night.

Weather:  High 79.0F (26.1C)  Low 57.9F (14.4C)  Rain 2.5 inches ( 63.0 mm)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 1931

Friday, May 1, 1931

lovely day.  Win & Stanley came down to supper

Weather:  High 70.0F (21.1C)  Low 33.4F (1.1C)

Sunday, May 3, 1931

Sunday.  Just awfully cold.  Went for a drive but too cold to stay long.

Weather:  High 80.1F (26.7C)  Low 37.0F (2.8C)

Sunday, May 10, 1931

Mothers day.  Went to Church in the morning.  Mr. & Mrs. Card came for supper.  After Church we went over to Winnies

Tuesday, May 12, 1931

Hospital day.  Went to Hafford to visit the hospital.  Most enjoyable visit and a lovely drive.  Lunch was served at the hospital.  Several WMS ladies there

Sunday, May 17, 1931

Just a terrible wind & sand blowing and real cold.  Mr. Andres came to supper.

Weather:   High 75.9F (24.4C)  Low 48.9F (9.4C)  Rain 0.1 inch ( 2.5 mm)

Monday, May 25, 1931

Sports day at Borden.  lovely morning  about 12 weather changed.  Just a dreaful wind storm

Weather:  High 79.0F (26.1C)  Low 44.1F (6.7C)

Friday, May 29, 1931

Talkie in the Hall  real good

Sunday, May 31, 1931

Dad & Ted took the Saginaw service.   Mrs. Card came to supper.  Mr. Card at Regina

April 1931

Friday, April 3,  1931

Good Friday  We all went to Mr Cards for dinner and supper.  Went to the sand patch in the afternoon.  In the evening we went to Church.  a lovely service (a perfect day)

Weather:  High 28.9F (-1.7C)  Low 17.1F (-8.3C)

Sunday, April 5, 1931

A lovely Easter Sunday.  Went to Church in the morning.  Bert came down on the train  The young folks put on a Pagent on Sunday evening.  Church was packed & overflowing.  Ron got his fingers hurt in the car door.

Weather:  High 61.0F (16.1C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Monday, April 6, 1931

Spring cleaned the Bank  a lovely day

Weather:  High 66.0F (18.9C)  Low 30.0F (-1.1C)

Wednesday, April 8, 1931

a terrible winday day

Thursday, April 9, 1931

an awful day  sand blowing all day.  everything inches thick with sand.  our chimney caught - fire also the ???????? (looks like Idiudldr) got on fire.  terrible wind all day

Weather:  High 53.1F (11.7C)  Low 35.1F (1.7C)

Sunday, April 12, 1931

lovely day Had a cold dinner then Jack took us to the ferry, and a nice drive around.  Went to Church then over to Winnies.  Next door neighbours there too (a nice time

Weather:  High F (12.2C)  Low 30.0F (-1.1C)

Wednesday, April 15 & Thursday April 16, 1931

Wind storm all the time  everything covered in dust and it's real cold

Weather April 15:  High 51.1F (10.6C)  Low 41.0F (5.0C)  Rain 0.1 inch (2.8 mm)

Weather April 16:  High 59.0F (15.0C)  Low 33.1F (0.6C)

Friday, April 17, 1931

still blowing hard.  Tommy came on the train.

Saturday April 18, 1931

Very cold. snow flurries & dust.  Went to Saginaw with Mr. & Mrs. Card then to tea afterword.  Jack took Tomy to ferry on the chance of a ride to the city.  Went in a coupe.

Weather:  High 73.9F (23.3C)  Low 28.0F (-2.2C)

Tuesday, April 21, 1931

Jack told the car to Great-Dear pretty cold  Let Mrs _____ (name not shown) have 9 turkey eggs.

Weather:  High 44.1F (6.7C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Thursday, April 30, 1931

Moved in to new house.  We like it fine.  Tom Wensley put the phone in  2.00 (charge for phone installation?)

Weather:  High 77.0F (25C)  Low 37.9F (3.3C)

March 31, 1931 (2)

(missed this one)

 Sunday March 29, 1931

Went to the river.  Cars still crossing. (The Borden Bridge wasn't completed until 1937.  A cars were ferried across the river near the present sight of the bridge except for when the river was frozen over as it was apparently was still on this day.)

Weather:  High F (10.0C)  Low 21.9F (-5.6C)

John's comments

Well believe it or not it's snowing on the 29th of May.  Good morning to work on the diary.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

March 1931

Sunday March 1, 1931

a little colder.  Win & Ted & Stan came down to dinner.  went down to the river after dinner.  Church and over to Wins.

Weather:  High 37.0F (2.8C)  Low 17.1F (-8.3C)

Wednesday March 4, 1931

A real March wind  snow drifting in the air  looks like a real storm and blizzard.

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 19.9F (-6.7C)  Snow 0.3 inches (0.8cm)

Monday March 9, 1931

Colder inclined to snow.  Mrs. Mitchell spoke to the WMS in Church. 

After the meeting we all went over to Winnies for tea  about 23

Weather:  High 23.0F (-5.0C)  Low 3.0F (-16.1C)  Snow  1.0 inch (2.5cm)

Wednesday March 18, 1931

Missionary meeting at Winnies.  A lovely day.

Weather:  High 30.0F (-1.1C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Friday March 20, 1931

Jack took the car to Great Dear. Masonic banquet.  Lilly went with Ted.  Mable with H. Wensley.  I stayed with Stanley (Then where was Winnie?  Maybe it was her instead of Lilly that went with Ted)

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Saturday March 21, 1931

lovely day.  Sawed the wood today.

Weather:  High 30.0F (-1.1C)  Low 24.1`1F (-4.4C)

Sunday March 22, 1931

Ted took us down to the river.  The river did not look very safe.

Weather:  High 48.9F (9.4C)  Low 28.0F (-2.2C)

Friday March 27, 1931

Very cold.  Jack took car to Gt- Deer.  Roads very rough.  Taking the
play to Radisson.  Insured the new house against fire.

:  High 12.9F (-10.6C)  Low -8.0F (-22.2C)

Monday, May 24, 2010

February 1931

Monday February 2nd, 1931

Still a lovely day.  Had a long letter from Nell.

Weather:  High 43.0F (6.1C)  Low 21.0F (-6.1C)

Tuesday, February 3rd, 1931

Jack took the car on the mail trip.  Mrs. Wake and Margaret came down.  Had a nice visit.  Grand day.  Calsomined Lilys bedroom

Weather:  High 37.9F (3.3C)  Low 18.0F (-7.8C)

Wednesday, February 4th, 1931

Calsomined my bedroom.  Nice day.  Went to H, Tracksells to L.O.B.A. social.  about 40 guests presnet.  Jack took the car

Weather:  High 44.1F (6.7C)  Low 16.0F (-8.9C)

Thursday, February 5th, 1931

Nice day.  Calsomined the boys bedroom.  Went to the ????? (maybe Scouts) meeting in the evening.  Enjoyed every minute of it.  Mr Lovley disappointed not more there

Weather:  High 36.0F (2.2C)  Low 14.0F (-10.0C)

Saturday, February 7, 1931

Beautiful day. Dad and I went to the bank (I think) and cleaned the windows and the ink wells.  Political meeting in town this afternoon (MacIn????)

Weather:  High 28.0F (-2.2C)  Low 21.0F (-6.1C)

Monday, February 9, 1931

did a big wash  went over to Winnies for a while  lovely day  Dads orange meeting tonight

Weather:  High 10.9F (-11.7C)  Low 1.0F (-17.2C)

Thursday, February 12, 1931

Went to the Ladies Aid at Mrs.H. Tracksells (I am amazed at the amount of meeting etc. they attended; they certianly were busy people) Mr Card came to supper.  I went over to Wins after supper

Weather:  High 30.9F (-0.6C)  Low 8.1F (-13.3C)

Saturday, February 14, 1931

Lovely day.  Went to Mother & Daughter banquet.  Had a very nice time.  Had several visitors in the afternoon.  Dr. Whitemarsh knocked a man down and killed him (this begs a lot of questions .... eg. did this happen in Borden?  who did the Dr. run down?)

Weather:  High 46.9F (8.3C)  Low 14.0F (-10.0C)

Sunday, February 15, 1931

Went for a car ride with Jack then called to see Stanley who is still sick.  Went to church then over to Winnies for a while.

Weather:  High 48.9F (9.4C)  Low 16.0F (-8.9C)

Monday, February 16, 1931

Real nice day.  Had Lodge and afterwards a social time till one o'clock.  several members sick and two or three did not turn up as they should.  We all had a real nice time.

Weather:  High 34.0F (1.1C)  Low 15.1F (-9.4C)

Wednesday, February 18, 1931

Stanley on the mend.  still grand weather

Weather:  High 45.0F (7.2C)  Low 24.1F (-4.4C)

Friday, February 20, 1931

We had our day of prayer meeting today in the Anglican church.  Just a lovely service.  A lovely day.  Jack took the car with the mail.

Weather:  High 39.0F (3.9C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Saturday, February 21, 1931

Weather still nice.  Wrote to Daisy.

Weather:  High 50.0F (10.0C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Sunday, February 22, 1931

Mabel came down for the day.  Elmer came to supper.  Just a glorious day,  so warm Mr. & Mrs.Newbold, Dad & I Mr Tallis & Ruth sat outside for over an hour.  Went to church and over to Winnies afterwards

Weather:  High 50.0F (10.0C)  Low 25.0F (-3.9C)

Friday, February 27, 1931

Jack went to Gt Deer still with the car  a little colder today.  We all went to the Anglican Play.  It as not sogood as they usually are.  The Eyes of love.

Weather:  High 39.9F (4.4C)  Low 18.0F (-7.8C)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

John's comments

Corrected days of the week for January, 1931. Working on February, 1931.

John's comments

Well I have come to the realization it is impractical to transcribe almost 20 years of entries sequentially. From here on I was be posting entries based on significance, interest etc.

Also I may chose to make a comment - hey it's my blog ;) - I will put them in brackets and they will be highlighted green.

Onward .........

Saturday, May 22, 2010


'1931 Introduction' entry.

Grandparents ages added (thanks Barb).

Friday, May 21, 2010

January 26 - 31, 1931

Monday, January 26, 1931

We all went to the Lantern Lecture on the Indian Head Orphanage. Not a very large croud

Weather: High 34.0F (1.1C) Low 9.0F (-12.8C)

Tuesday, January 27, 1931

Ronalds Birthday. beautiful weather. Jack took the car to Gt-Deer with the mail

Weather: High 15.1F (-9.4C) Low 3.9F (-16.1C)

Births - Mordecai Richler, author, screenwriter and essayist (d.2006)

Wednesday, January 28, 1931

Washed today. Went to Albert Twittys in the car with Jack to look for horses. grand day

Weather: High 35.1F (1.7C) Low 12.9F (-10.6C)

Thursday, January 29, 1931

Went to Mrs Johnsons for a meeting pf L.A. ??? awful lot of visitors there. Went to Winnies to supper. one grand day. real warm

Weather: High 38.0F (3.3C) Low 12.9F (-10.6C)

Friday, January 30, 1931

Wins Birthday. Jack took the car to GT-Deer again. Thawing fast - so warm and bright. Mr. Card & Elmer came for supper. Had a nice time.

Weather: High 50.0F (10.0C) Low 29.0F (-1.7C)

Births - John Crosbie, politician and Minister

Saturday, January 31, 1931

Another lovely morning. slightly colder. but nice

Weather: High 43.0F (6.1C) Low 26.0F (-3.3C)

John's comments

Spent a lot of time on this today. It is going to be a big job, but now that I have set up the blog and have a format it should go quicker. I really find it interesting and hope you do too. Will be adding some pictures.

Any comments?

January 16 - 25, 1931

Friday, January 16, 1931

Jack took car on Mail had to dig out twice

Weather: High 33.1F (0.6C) Low 12.0F (-11.1C)

Saturday, January 17 (2 entries), 1931

(1) Lovely day again. The 4 men went south pulley wire

(2) Sent to Simpsons for Dads underwear

Weather: High 26.1F (-3.3C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Tuesday, January 20, 1931

Jack took car to Great Deer with Mail

Weather: High 23.0F (-5.0C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Wednesday, January 21, 1931

Jack went to Saskatoon to see Dr. Bolzan. I went WMS meeting at Miss Smith. Stayed at Winnie for tea. Lill & Ron came for me.

Weather: High 24.1F (-4.4C) Low 3.0F (-16.1C)

Thursday, January 22, 1931

Jack did not come home last night. I did quite a wash today. "real
cold wind". All the rest went to the debate. I went over and stayed
with Stanley. ???? was such a darling

Weather: High 16.0F (-8.9C) Low 5.0F (-150C)

Friday, January 23, 1931

still quite cold Dad & boys hauled the oat sheaves.

Weather: High 12.0F (-11.1C) Low 3.9F (-15.6C)Snow trace

Sunday, January 25, 1931

Win & Ted & Stan came down to dinner & tea. Elmer came to tea. Went to Church then over to Wins. Mr. Card there. Nice weather.

Weather: High 23.0F (-3.0C) Low 3.9F (-16.1C)

January 1 - 15, 1931

Thursday, January 1st, 1931

& I, Lillie, Tommy, Daisy & Bert and the boys went to Winnies for supper. Mr ???? there too.

Weather: High 21.0F (-6.1C) Low 9.0F (-12.8C)

Tuesday, January 6th, 1931

Had the Annual Church Meeting. subject uppermost to almalgmate with Raddison. could not come to any decision. Having an emergency meeting on the 12th.

Weather: High 23F (-5.0C) LOw 10.0F (-12.2C)

Milestones - Thomas Edison submits his last patent application. (Jan. 6)

Births - Robert Duvall, American Actor and Director (Jan. 6)

Friday, January 9th, 1931

Lovely day. cleaned all the windows outside

Weather: High 23F (-5.0C) Low 8.0F (-13.3C)

Saturday, Janaury 10th, 1931

The 2 boys went hunting got one rabbit

Weather: High 23.0F (-5.0C) Low 8.0F (-13.3C) Snow .5 inches (1.3 cm.)

Sunday, January 11th, 1931

H Wensley down for the day. Elmer came to tea. real cold

Weather: High 30.9F (-.6C) Low 14F (-10.0C)

Monday, January 12th, 1931

L.O.B.A. Not a very nice meeting. Mable took 2nd degree ??? ?????

Weather: High 19.9F (-6.7C) Low -4.0F (-20.0C)

Tuesday, January 13th, 1931

Church Meeting. Algamation with Raddison voted down

Weather: High 2.9F (-19.4C) Low -16.1F (-26.7C)

Wednesday, January 14th, 1931

Daisys Birthday. Theo here cutting wood lovely day

Weather: High 14.0F (-10.0C) Low -16.1F (-26.7C)

Thursday, January 15th, 1931

A blizzard all day but not very cold

Weather: High 30.9F (-0.6C) Low 10.0F (-12.2C) Snow 1.0 inches (2.5 cm.)

1931 Introduction

Ages as of January 1, 1931

Grandad Griffin 55
Grandma Griffin 53
Winifred 30
Nellie 28
Lillian 27
Daisy 24
John 22
Wilfred 18
Ronald 15

Stanley 1


This is a work in progress.

Entries are verbatim. Question marks will replace unrecognizable words.

Weather data (Saskatoon) is from the 'National Climate Data and Information Archive'

If you see any info that is incorrrect or missing please make a comment or send me an e-mail at

23 May 2010

I don't know if these diaries will be of interest to many. Perhaps in future generations someone will find them intriguing.

The main thing is that they will be 'digitized' as the ink is beginning to fade. I am also saving the them in a plain test format.